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Things Everyone Should Know About Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)
Things Everyone Should Know About Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)

20 September, 2023 by Vindaloo Softtech Pvt. Ltd.

When managing a contact center or...

Why Should Enterprises Consider WebRTC Client Solutions?
Why Should Enterprises Consider WebRTC Client Solutions?

17 August, 2023 by Vindaloo Softtech Pvt. Ltd.

Businesses can’t afford to compromise on...

What is WebRTC and How Does It Work?
What is WebRTC and How Does It Work?

1 August, 2023 by Vindaloo Softtech Pvt. Ltd.

The recent pandemic forced businesses to adopt...

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#secure IVR payment system

How is IVR Payment System Useful for your business?

How is IVR Payment System Useful for your business?

Posted on 19 June, 2023 by Vindaloo Softtech Pvt. Ltd.

In today’s fast-paced world, businesses constantly seek efficient and secure ways to process payments. One such solution that has gained significant popularity is the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) payment system. This technology allows customers to make payments over the phone using their credit or debit cards. This blog post will explore the benefits of implementing an IVR payment system in your business and how it can enhance your overall customer experience. What are...